First, purchase three Thavnairian Mists from Auriana for 60 Poetics. Your Zodiac Relic may seem nice, but it pales in comparison to what it can become via more questing. Upgrading Beyond Relic in Final Fantasy XIV With all of the items and quests cleared, head back to Gerlot in North Shroud and he will forge your item level 80 Zodiac Relic.

Last, purchase a Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil from Auriana in Mor Dhona for 15 Poetic Tomestones (easily gained from the previous trials). As long as you are using Duty Finder, you will likely be match-made with over-equipped players that can easily clear this content. Next, you will need to complete four more trials: The Hydra, Bowl of Embers (Hard), Howling Eye (Hard), and The Navel (Hard). Return to Gerolt and he will send you back to the stronghold to kill 24 specific monsters with your weapon. You will next need to clear some instanced content as your job and equipped with your base weapon: The Chimera trial and the Amdapor Keep dungeon. Check your market board or ask your free company if you are unable to make it yourself. You will also need to craft or purchase a corresponding new weapon along with attaching two third grade materia. Based on this choice, the smith Gerolt will send you to a certain beastman stronghold to recover a lost weapon: Natalan, Zahar’ak, Sylphlands, Sapsa Spawning Grounds, or U’Ghamaro Mines. This will lead to the quest A Relic Reborn for your current combat job. To start your journey, accept the level 50 quest The Weapon Smith of Legend from Nedrick Ironheart in Western Thanalan X:12, Y:14.