The player can trade Stats that haven't been assigned yet for other Statsġ Talent Point = 10 Ability Points ( Enhanced Edition: 1 Talent Point = 1 Ability Point) 5 Ability Points = 1 Attribute Point ( Enhanced Edition: 3 Ability Points = 1 Attribute Point) 1 Attribute Point = 1 Reputationīy finding 5 Special Stones (Star or Blood) you can unlock the Hall of Secrets at your Homestead.Though the player's character will forget all skills and will have to relearn them by purchasing skill books. Allows the player to respec their points ( attributes, abilities and talents).You can unlock the Hall of Darkness in the Homestead. if you do all of the side quests, you can end the game at level 22 and if you maximize exp gains, you can end the game at level 23.

There are enough experience points to get to level 20 by just doing quests without murdering everything for experience points. The max level is not 20, but rather a "soft cap".At the Soft Cap of Level 20 each character will have: + 15 attribute points, + 49 ability points (68 for Lone Wolf talent) and + 7 talent points.